Presenter: Mary Shkoury, Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario
This presentation explains what is a scam and tactics used to take advantage of older adults. Case examples illustrate the types of scams prevalent in society and how seniors can be vulnerable to this form of financial abuse. Cautions of Do's and Don'ts are listed and important steps to protect from frauds and scams. Helpful resources with contact information for support and reporting will be discussed. We will learn the 4 R's: Recognize Reject Reachout Report.
Mary Shkoury has been working in the Health and Wellness sectors for the last 20 years with a Focus on Seniors Health and Safety. She Graduated from York University with a Specialized Honors BA in Sociology and completed her studies in Gerontology (Aging and Health) through Queen's University. Her passion and commitment to caring for Canadian Seniors rights has led her to her role with Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario, where her mission is to see our province continue to be a safe place for our seniors to live, be heard and be free from Elder Abuse.
Free webinar for Seniors Active Living Centres and OACAO Members/Partners staff, volunteers and older adults.
Participation can be done virtually (with live multilingual captioning) or by telephone
You will receive login information prior to the webinar. Registration closes December 10th at 12Noon EST. If you have any concerns about registration please email
With funding provided by the Government of Ontario